Assessment reports>Anzen Finance>Discussion>SPCTPriceOracle does not represent the price of SPCT

SPCTPriceOracle does not represent the price of SPCT

During our assessment, we noted that the USDz contract disables the deposit and redemption features when the return value of SPCTPriceOracle.getPrice() is lower than 1 USD.

Our concern was that the fair market price of 1 SPCT should be lower than 1 USD, as 1 SPCT corresponds to 1 USD and SPCT also has risks, including but not limited to the possibility of bugs in SPCTPool, the possibility of the failure to repay, and fee for redemption.

Anzen Group Ltd. stated that they plan to integrate the oracle, which returns the backed USD asset per 1 SPCT to SPCTPriceOracle, not the price of 1 SPCT.

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