Assessment reports>ZetaChain>Medium findings>Median gas-price threshold
Category: Business Logic

Median gas-price threshold

Medium Severity
Medium Impact
Medium Likelihood


The price of gas is determined by taking a median of posted gas prices; however, there is no minimum threshold of posted prices. As a consequence, if there are few prices posted, the price could be manipulated.

// Only observer validators are authorized to broadcast this message.
func (k msgServer) GasPriceVoter(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgGasPriceVoter) (*types.MsgGasPriceVoterResponse, error) {
		// recompute the median gas price
		mi := medianOfArray(gasPrice.Prices)
		// #nosec G701 always positive


An early malicious observer could be the first one to post and could post a completely manipulated price, which would then be considered the median, and they could quickly execute a transaction with said manipulated gas price for their own gain.


Set a minimum threshold of posted prices before setting the gas_price.


The ZetaChain team stated that:

We acknowledged the finding as an issue. However, we think the impacted is limited because the observer set is currently permissioned and the exploitation of the issue is limited since the sender of the transaction with the manipulated gas price would still need to pay for the gas on ZetaChain. We decided to not implement a remediation for the time being but we documented the issue in our backlog.

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