Assessment reports>Trillion>Threat Model>initialize

Function: initialize(address defaultAdmin, address pauser, address minter, address upgrader, address rescuer, address blacklister, string tokenName, string tokenSymbol)

This function sets ERC-20's default settings and specific addresses for the defaultAdmin, pauser, minter, upgrader, rescuer, and blacklister.


  • defaultAdmin

    • Control: Completely controlled by the caller.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Address of admin to set.

  • pauser

    • Control: Completely controlled by the caller.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Address of pauser to set.

  • minter

    • Control: Completely controlled by the caller.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Address of minter to set.

  • upgrader

    • Control: Completely controlled by the caller.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Address of upgrader to set.

  • rescuer

    • Control: Completely controlled by the caller.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Address of rescuer to set.

  • blacklister

    • Control: Completely controlled by the caller.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Address of blacklister to set.

  • tokenName

    • Control: Completely controlled by the caller.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Name of token to set.

  • tokenSymbol

    • Control: Completely controlled by the caller.

    • Constraints: None.

    • Impact: Symbol of token to set.

Branches and code coverage

Intended branches

  • Set the ERC-20's settings.

  • Grant the right role on given addresses.

Negative behavior

  • Called multiple times.

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