Assessment reports>STFX>Medium findings>High minimum investment amount
Category: Coding Mistakes

High minimum investment amount

Medium Severity
Medium Impact
Medium Likelihood


While the minimal investment permitted by the protocol is intended to establish a reasonable lower bound for investment amounts, the current restriction of 1e18 can be excessive for certain tokens, such as wBTC, particularly during a bull market when prices are high. This can make it difficult for everyday users to enter the protocol and limits the accessibility of the system.


The following code sets a lower bound on the minimal investment amount:

function addMinInvestmentAmount(address _token, uint96 _amount) external override onlyOwner {
    if (_amount < 1e18) revert ZeroAmount();
    minInvestmentAmount[_token] = _amount;
    emit MinInvestmentAmountChanged(_token, _amount);

The current minimal investment amount of 1e18 may be too high for certain high-value coins such as wBTC, where this amount equates to approximately $30K USD and could potentially be even higher in the future. This high barrier to entry may limit accessibility for everyday users and could ultimately impact the growth and sustainability of the system.


We recommend removing a minimal investment amount.


STFX acknowledged and resolved the issue in ca4e2157

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