Function: approve(address _poolAddress, uint256 _amount)
Should allow the approval of the ERC-20 token to a pool.
Control: Fully controlled by the admin.
Constraints: None.
Impact: The address of the pool to approve.
Control: Fully controlled by the admin.
Constraints: None.
Impact: The amount to approve.
Branches and code coverage (including function calls)
Intended branches
Should approve the
on the_poolAddress
Negative behavior
Should not allow anyone other than the admin to call this function. Ensured through the
Function call analysis
IStakePool(_poolAddress).approveForStakeManager(erc20TokenAddress, _amount)
What is controllable?
.If return value controllable, how is it used and how can it go wrong? N/A.
What happens if it reverts, reenters, or does other unusual control flow? Approval fails.