Assessment reports>Spectral Modelers>Informational findings>Code does not compile
Category: Coding Mistakes

Code does not compile

Informational Severity
Informational Impact
N/A Likelihood


The BeaconProxyDeployer contract handles deploying new UpgradeableBeacon contracts for the modeler and competition implementations.

function _createCompetitionBeacon(address logic) internal {
    require(address(competitionBeacon) == address(0), "Competition Beacon is already set");
    competitionBeacon = new UpgradeableBeacon(
    emit CompetitionBeaconDeployed(competitionBeacon);

function _createModelerBeacon(address logic) internal {
    require(address(modelerBeacon) == address(0), "Competition Beacon is already set");
    modelerBeacon = new UpgradeableBeacon(
        logic, // implementation
    emit ModelerBeaconDeployed(modelerBeacon);

The contract uses an older version of OpenZeppelin's UpgradeableBeacon and therefore misses an important upgrade made available in 0.5.0 that sets the initial owner in the constructor of the UpgradeableBeacon. Therefore, the new UpgradeableBeacon command misses the additional parameter for deploying the contract successfully in the latest version.


The contract cannot be deployed if the latest UpgradeableBeacon version is used.


We recommend using the latest stable and audited version of the UpgradeableBeacon contract, V5.0. That would imply adding the additional parameter for the initialOwner. More can be read about the latest version of the UpgradeableBeacon here.


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