Assessment reports>SAX>Threat Model>Function: buyTokens(address token, uint256 amount)

Function: buyTokens(address token, uint256 amount)

The function allows the caller to buy tokens associated with a specific hashtag. The current buy price depends on the current viralityScore and supply of the token, which may change over time, and the unchangeable initialPrice, exponent, and initialSupply values. The function is available only whenNotPaused.


  • token

    • Validation: onlyRegistered(token).

    • Impact: The hashtag-token address that the caller wants to buy.

  • amount

    • Validation: The amount of tokens is not directly validated, but the user must have enough funds to buy this amount of tokens.

    • Impact: The amount of token to buy.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

  • The caller received the expected amount of tokens in exchange for the expected amount of paymentToken tokens.

Negative behavior

  • The caller does not own enough paymentToken tokens to buy the amount of hashtag tokens.

  • The token is not registered.

  • The contract is paused.

Function call analysis

  • getBuyPrice(token, amount)

    • External/Internal? Internal.

    • Argument control? token and amount.

    • Impact: Calculates the current price of the the requested amount of tokens.

  • IERC20(paymentToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), totalPrice)

    • External/Internal? External.

    • Argument control? N/A.

    • Impact: Transfers of payment for the requested amount of tokens.

  • TrendingERC20(token).mint(msg.sender, amount)

    • External/Internal? External.

    • Argument control? amount.

    • Impact: Mints the requested amount of hashtag tokens for the caller of the function.

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