Assessment reports>Safety Module>Low findings>Partial deprivileging of the SafetyModule's manager
Category: Coding Mistakes

Partial deprivileging of the SafetyModule's manager

Low Severity
Low Impact
Low Likelihood


In Governable, the function updatePauser is used to update SafetyModule's pauser. However, this function does not have any checks, so pauser could be set to cozySafetyModuleManager, which has the role of CallerRole.MANAGER.

In StateChanger, the function _getCallerRole is used to check the role of the address. When who_ is pauser, it returns CallerRole.PAUSER even though who_ is the cozySafetyModuleManager because of the if-else routine.

function updatePauser(address _newPauser) external {
  if (msg.sender != owner && msg.sender != pauser) revert Unauthorized();
  emit PauserUpdated(_newPauser);
  pauser = _newPauser;
function _getCallerRole(address who_) internal view returns (CallerRole) {
  CallerRole role_ = CallerRole.NONE;
  if (who_ == owner) role_ = CallerRole.OWNER;
  else if (who_ == pauser) role_ = CallerRole.PAUSER;
  // If the caller is the Manager itself, authorization for the call is done
  // in the Manager.
  else if (who_ == address(cozySafetyModuleManager)) role_ = CallerRole.MANAGER;
  return role_;


The role of CallerRole.MANAGER has more permissions than CallerRole.PAUSER. This means that the manager cannot access functions before updating pauser to the other address.


We recommend adding a check that _newPauser is cozySafetyModuleManager to prevent the manager from being deprivileged.


This issue has been acknowledged by Cozy Finance Inc., and a fix was implemented in commit d0112ef4.

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