Assessment reports>Resonate>Informational findings>Failed approval check in ,calculateAndClaimInterest
Category: Coding Mistakes

Failed approval check in calculateAndClaimInterest

Informational Severity
Informational Impact
N/A Likelihood


The allowance check for token transfer approval always fails in calculateAndClaimInterest(...):

) public override onlyMaster returns (uint interest, uint sharesRedeemed) {
    IERC4626 vault = IERC4626(vaultAdapter);
    if(IERC20(vaultToken).allowance(address(this), vaultAdapter) < interest) {
        IERC20(vaultToken).approve(vaultAdapter, type(uint).max);

The if statement will always fail because interest has not been initialized from zero.


Minimal - other functions in ResonateSmartWallet will be called that also set the token transfer approval to max. In the worst case scenario, the very first producer order will be delayed in claiming interest until the first consumer order reclaims their principal.


Change interest to totalShares in the if control statement.


This finding was remediated by Revest in commit 6b1b81f6c0310297f5b6cd9a258b99e43c61b092.

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