Function: transferRouterFunds(address[] tokens, uint256[] amounts, address dest)
This function allows the contract owner to transfer assets owned by the router (originating from fees and positive slippage).
Control: Arbitrary.
tokens.length == amounts.length
.Impact: List of token addresses to be transferred.
Control: Arbitrary.
tokens.length == amounts.length
.Impact: Amounts of the tokens to be transferred.
Control: Arbitrary.
Constraints: None.
Impact: Receiver of the transferred tokens.
Branches and code coverage (including function calls)
Intended branches
Transfers a specific amount of tokens.
Transfers the full balance of tokens.
Transfers a specific amount of ETH.
Transfers the full balance of ETH.
Negative behavior
Reverts if the caller is not the owner.
Function call analysis
rootFunction -> _universalBalance
What is controllable? The argument is controllable.
If return value controllable, how is it used and how can it go wrong? Return value is controllable by specifying an arbitrary token address; this has no meaningful consequence.
What happens if it reverts, reenters, or does other unusual control flow? Reverts are propagated upwards. Reentrancy into the contract is possible but not a concern.
rootFunction -> _universalTransfer
What is controllable? All arguments are controllable.
If return value controllable, how is it used and how can it go wrong? Return value is not used.
What happens if it reverts, reenters, or does other unusual control flow? Reverts are propagated upwards. Reentrancy into the contract is possible but not a concern.