Function: claim(byte[32][] merkleProof)
The function used by users to claim their mnERC1155 tokens.
Control: Fully controlled.
Constraints: Should be a valid Merkle proofs array.
Impact: Used to determine the amount of tokens to mint for the user, if the proofs are valid.
Branches and code coverage (including function calls)
Intended branches
Users should be able to claim if the correct proof is provided.
Negative behavior
Users cannot claim multiple times.
Revert if user is not whitelisted.
Function call analysis
->, tokenId, toMint + 1)
What is controllable?
.If return value controllable, how is it used and how can it go wrong? N/A, no return value.
What happens if it reverts, reenters, or does other unusual control flow? If the
call reverts, the entire function would revert. Check-effects-interactions along withnonReentrant
modifier is implemented correctly, so reentrancy is not an issue.