Assessment reports>MightyNet>Informational findings>Redundant reserved ,__gap, space
Category: Code Maturity

Redundant reserved __gap space

Informational Severity
Informational Impact
N/A Likelihood


The reserved __gap space is unnecessary:

contract MightyNetERC721RestrictedRegistry ... {

    uint256[50] private __gap;

This is because the MightyNetERC721RestrictedRegistry contract is designed to be called directly, rather than through inheritance. As a result, the __gap storage space at the end of the contract remains unused, as there are no concerns of storage layout conflicts arising from future variable additions.


The redundant reserved space can lead to some inefficiency, as the contract has allocated resources that are not being used and maintaining unnecessary code in a contract might result in slightly higher deployment and execution gas costs due to the larger bytecode size.


We recommend removing the __gap array.


might Bear Games acknowledges this. They have removed the redundant reserved storage space in the V2 version of the contract.

The following is theire provided response:

We have made this change to MightyNetERC721RestrictedRegistryV2.

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