Assessment reports>Initia>High findings>Withdrawal hash clash using variable-length fields
Category: Coding Mistakes

Withdrawal hash clash using variable-length fields

High Severity
Medium Impact
Medium Likelihood


When finalizing a token withdrawal, a hash is generated using the provided values to ensure the same withdrawal is not processed twice and that it can be used to generate the root hash:

// verify storage root can be generated from
// withdrawal proofs and withdrawal tx data.
    var withdrawalHash [32]byte
        seed := []byte{}
        seed = binary.BigEndian.AppendUint64(seed, bridgeId)
        seed = binary.BigEndian.AppendUint64(seed, req.Sequence)
        seed = append(seed, sender...)
        seed = append(seed, receiver...)
        seed = append(seed, []byte(denom)...)
        seed = binary.BigEndian.AppendUint64(seed, amount.Uint64())

        withdrawalHash = sha3.Sum256(seed)

    if ok, err := ms.HasProvenWithdrawal(ctx, bridgeId, withdrawalHash); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    } else if ok {
        return nil, types.ErrWithdrawalAlreadyFinalized

    // should works with sorted merkle tree
    rootSeed := withdrawalHash
    proofs := req.WithdrawalProofs
    for _, proof := range proofs {
        switch bytes.Compare(rootSeed[:], proof) {
        case 0, 1: // equal or greater
            rootSeed = sha3.Sum256(append(proof, rootSeed[:]...))
        case -1: // less
            rootSeed = sha3.Sum256(append(rootSeed[:], proof...))

    rootHash := rootSeed
    if !bytes.Equal(req.StorageRoot, rootHash[:]) {
        return nil, types.ErrFailedToVerifyWithdrawal.Wrap(

The issue is that the receiver and denom are both variable lengths; it is possible to generate the same hash by shifting bytes from the end of one to the start of another or vice versa. This could allow someone to effectively burn coins being held by the bridge under certain circumstances.


With the way Initia is currently set up, it would require an L1 denom that can be represented in hex, as the only denoms that an attacker can create are in the format move/[hex_address]. However, if another chain were to use the OPInit stack or if a new L1 token were added to the L1, it could open this up for attack.


A separator should be added between the variable-length fields to ensure that they cannot be shifted to generate the same hash.


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