Assessment reports>Fee Flow>Medium findings>Front-running of the ,buy, function
Category: Business Logic

Front-running of the buy function

Medium Severity
Medium Impact
Low Likelihood


The buy function initializes the next auction immediately after it processes the purchase.

function buy(address[] calldata assets, address assetsReceiver, uint256 deadline, uint256 maxPaymentTokenAmount) external nonReentrant returns(uint256 paymentAmount) {
    // ...

    // Setup new auction
    uint256 newInitPrice = paymentAmount * priceMultiplier / PRICE_MULTIPLIER_SCALE;

    if(newInitPrice > ABS_MAX_INIT_PRICE) {
        newInitPrice = ABS_MAX_INIT_PRICE;
    } else if(newInitPrice < minInitPrice) {
        newInitPrice = minInitPrice;

    slot1Cache.initPrice = uint216(newInitPrice);
    slot1Cache.startTime = uint40(block.timestamp);

    // Write cache in single write
    slot1 = slot1Cache;

    // ...

An attacker can front-run the buy function call of a victim, forcing them to pay for the next auction with an increased price. Furthermore, because the attacker takes assets out first, the victim will not be able to receive the assets they expected.


By front-running the buy function call of a victim, an attacker can make the victim pay higher than the expected price and prevent the victim from receiving the expected assets.

It is possible to adjust the maxPaymentTokenAmount parameter, which is the upper limit of the payment amount, to mitigate this vulnerability. However, one should note that this mitigation can be nullified under certain circumstances. For instance, if the transaction from a user could not be included to the network promptly, the price of the current auction may decrease before the transaction is included so that the price of the next auction is below the value of the maxPaymentTokenAmount parameter.


Consider adding a unique, incrementing auction ID for each auction and checking it in the buy function in order to confirm that a user intends to purchase in the current running auction.


This issue has been acknowledged by Euler Labs, and a fix was implemented in commit a42879c0.

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