Assessment reports>Biconomy Multi Owned ECDSA>Low findings>Wrong parameter used in revert message
Category: Coding Mistakes

Wrong parameter used in revert message

Low Severity
Low Impact
Low Likelihood


The NotEOA revert message is used when the given parameter is not an EOA. In the transferOwnership function, the wrong parameter is used as a revert message.

function transferOwnership(
        address owner,
        address newOwner
) external override {
    if (_isSmartContract(newOwner)) revert NotEOA(owner);


The revert message will point to irrelevant data.


We recommend changing the revert message to revert NotEOA(newOwner); as that reflects the actually verified parameter.


This issue has been acknowledged by Biconomy, and a fix was implemented in commit bb275bf7.

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