Assessment reports>Beefy UniswapV3>Threat Model>harvest

Function: harvest()

Harvest fees from the pool, charge fees for Beefy, then readjust positions.

Branches and code coverage

Intended branches

  • Reset the fees0 counter.

  • Reset the fees1 counter.

  • Should forward part of the fees to tx.origin.

  • Set the totalLocked0 counter.

  • Set the totalLocked1 counter.

  • Set the lastHarvest to the current block timestamp.

  • Claim fees from the pool and collect them.

  • Charge fees for Beefy and send them to the appropriate addresses — charge fees to accrued state fee amounts.

  • Remove the liquidity.

  • Readjust the ticks.

  • Add the liquidity.

  • Reset the state fees to zero.

Negative behavior

  • Should not be callable unless the period is calm. Currently not implemented.

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