Assessment reports>Voyage>Low findings>Missing validation check on ERC20 ,transfer
Category: Business Logic

Missing validation check on ERC20 transfer

Low Severity
Informational Impact
N/A Likelihood


Currently liquidate(...) does not revert the transaction if the following ERC20 transfer fails:

if (param.totalDebt > discountedFloorPriceInTotal) {
    param.remaningDebt = param.totalDebt - discountedFloorPriceInTotal;
} else {
    uint256 refundAmount = discountedFloorPriceInTotal -
    IERC20(param.currency).transfer(param.vault, refundAmount);
    param.receivedAmount -= refundAmount;


The call should never fail as the funds will always be in the account.


Add a check and revert on a false return value from the ERC20 transfer call.


Commit 654a9242 was indicated as containing the remediation. The commit correctly fixes the issue by using safeTransfer instead of transfer, which does revert if the transfer fails.

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