Assessment reports>Rainmaker>Medium findings>Missing slippage limits allow front-running
Category: Business Logic

Missing slippage limits allow front-running

Medium Severity
Medium Impact
Medium Likelihood


During deposits and withdrawals, the staking manager interacts with the underlying vault for entry and exit. Those functions each have the parameter minAmount, which sets slippage limits for the staker actions. However, the minAmount is set to zero in all cases:

 * @dev Withdraw tokens from Definitive vault end-to-end (exit + withdraw)
function withdrawFromDefinitive(
  uint8 _index,
  uint256 lpTokens
) private returns (uint256) {
  IERC20 underlying = IERC20(underlyingTokenAddresses[_index]);

  // 1. Exit from the strategy via LP Tokens
  uint256 underlyingAmount = definitiveVault.exitOne(lpTokens, 0, _index);

  // 2. Withdraw from the vault
  definitiveVault.withdraw(underlyingAmount, address(underlying));

  return underlyingAmount;


These slippage limits are essential for mitigating front-running. Consider the _processExitPoolTransfers function in Balancer's PoolBalances contract:

 * @dev Transfers `amountsOut` to `recipient`, checking that they are within their accepted limits, and pays
 * accumulated protocol swap fees from the Pool.
 * Returns the Pool's final balances, which are the current `balances` minus `amountsOut` and fees paid
 * (`dueProtocolFeeAmounts`).
function _processExitPoolTransfers(
    address payable recipient,
    PoolBalanceChange memory change,
    bytes32[] memory balances,
    uint256[] memory amountsOut,
    uint256[] memory dueProtocolFeeAmounts
) private returns (bytes32[] memory finalBalances) {
    finalBalances = new bytes32[](balances.length);
    for (uint256 i = 0; i < change.assets.length; ++i) {
        uint256 amountOut = amountsOut[i];
        _require(amountOut >= change.limits[i], Errors.EXIT_BELOW_MIN);

If the minAmount (which becomes an element of change.limits) is set to zero, the slippage check does nothing. This leaves users vulnerable to front-running.


We recommend that the protocol provide users a way to specify minAmount.


This issue has been acknowledged by Rainmaker, and a fix was implemented in commit 2c613c09.

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