Assessment reports>Pyth Oracle>Low findings>Inefficient publisher deletion algorithm results in excessive costs
Category: Optimizations

Inefficient publisher deletion algorithm results in excessive costs

Low Severity
Low Impact
High Likelihood


The del_publisher instruction allows a caller to remove a publisher from a price account. To do this, the instruction first loops through the publishers on the price account's comp_ array. After identifying the index of comp_ with the publisher account, an inner loop runs which shifts all of the accounts down.

static uint64_t del_publisher( SolParameters *prm, SolAccountInfo *ka )
  // try to remove publisher
  for(uint32_t i=0; i != sptr->num_; ++i ) {
    pc_price_comp_t *iptr = &sptr->comp_[i];
    if ( pc_pub_key_equal( &iptr->pub_, &cptr->pub_ ) ) {
      for( unsigned j=i+1; j != sptr->num_; ++j ) {
        pc_price_comp_t *jptr = &sptr->comp_[j];
        iptr[0] = jptr[0];
        iptr = jptr;
      sol_memset( iptr, 0, sizeof( pc_price_comp_t ) );
      // update size of account
      sptr->size_ = sizeof( pc_price_t ) - sizeof( sptr->comp_ ) +
        sptr->num_ * sizeof( pc_price_comp_t );
      return SUCCESS;

This is an inefficient way to remove the publisher account from the price account.


This can result in excessive fees for removing a publisher than would otherwise be necessary. It also increases code complexity, which may leads to bugs in the future.


A more efficient solution would be to replace the publisher account with the last publisher account and then clear out the final publisher entry.

A reference implementation is supplied.

for(uint32_t i = 0; i != sptr->num_; ++i ) {
    pc_price_comp_t *iptr = &sptr->comp_[i];
    // identify the targeted publisher entry 
    if ( pc_pub_key_equal( &iptr->pub_, &cptr->pub_ ) ) {
        // select the last publisher entry
        pc_price_comp_t *substitute_ptr = &sptr->comp_[sptr->num_ - 1];
        // swap the current publisher entry with the last one - it's okay if this is the same entry
        iptr[0] = substitute_ptr[0];
        // clear out the last publisher
        sol_memset(substitute_ptr, 0, sizeof( pc_price_comp_t ));

        // reduce the number of publishers by one
        // recalculate size
        sptr->size_ = sizeof( pc_price_t ) - sizeof( sptr->comp_ )
            + sptr->num_ * sizeof( pc_price_comp_t );
        return SUCCESS;


The finding has been acknowledged by Pyth Data Association. Their official response is reproduced below:

Pyth Data Association acknowledges the finding, but doesn't believe it has security implications. However, we may deploy a bug fix to address it.

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