Assessment reports>Metavest>High findings>Unable to unlock milestone
Category: Business Logic

Unable to unlock milestone

High Severity
Medium Impact
Medium Likelihood


In the function confirmMilestone, the milestone award is unlocked and added to milestoneUnlockedTotal, allowing the grantee to withdraw the milestone award. However, if milestone.unlockOnCompletion is false, the milestone remains locked, and there is no alternative method to unlock it.

function confirmMilestone(uint256 _milestoneIndex) external nonReentrant {
    if(terminated) revert MetaVesT_AlreadyTerminated();
    Milestone storage milestone = milestones[_milestoneIndex];
    if (_milestoneIndex >= milestones.length || milestone.complete)
        revert MetaVesT_MilestoneIndexCompletedOrDoesNotExist();
    //encode the milestone index to bytes for signature verification
    bytes memory _data = abi.encodePacked(_milestoneIndex);
    // perform any applicable condition checks, including whether 'authority' has a signatureCondition
    for (uint256 i; i < milestone.conditionContracts.length; ++i) {
        if (!IConditionM(milestone.conditionContracts[i]).checkCondition(address(this), msg.sig, _data))
            revert MetaVesT_ConditionNotSatisfied();

    milestone.complete = true;
    milestoneAwardTotal += milestone.milestoneAward;
        milestoneUnlockedTotal += milestone.milestoneAward;

    emit MetaVesT_MilestoneCompleted(grantee, _milestoneIndex);


The grantee cannot get the milestone award if it is not unlocked in the function confirmMilestone.


Consider implementing a method to unlock a completed milestone.


This issue has been acknowledged by MetaLeX Labs, Inc, and a fix was implemented in commit c1f26e06.

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