Assessment reports>Aura Finance>Threat Models>Function: getReward(address _account, address _token)

Function: getReward(address _account, address _token)

Allows msg.sender to claim reward calculated using the user balance locked inside the auraLocker contract.


  • _account

    • Control: Full control.

    • Constraints: Should have nonzero auraLocker balance.

    • Impact: The receiver of reward.

  • _token

    • Control: Full control.

    • Constraints: If tokens are not added using the addReward function, the transaction will end without result.

    • Impact: The address of reward token. It will be called to transfer reward amount.

Branches and code coverage (including function calls)

Intended branches

  • If msg.sender != _account, _account received the reward.

  • If msg.sender == _account, _account received the reward.

Negative behavior

  • _account is zero.

  • _token is zero.

Function call analysis

  • _getReward -> _allClaimableRewards(_account, _token, _startIndex)

    • External/internal?: Internal.

    • Argument control?: _account, _token, and _startIndex.

    • Impact: Returns the amount of tokens available for claim and index of last rewarded epoch.

  • _getReward -> IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_account, claimableTokens)

    • External/internal?: External.

    • Argument control?: _account.

    • Impact: Transfer reward to the _account.

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